An easy way to increase the number of people who view your job advert is to make the job title more appealing to them. Internally within the college, the role may be known as an ‘Engagement and Outreach Communications Coordinator', but not many candidates (Especially outside of FE) are going to be typing that into a search box, and therefore they may miss your advert. Therefore, If you are looking to attract a PR Coordinator, then we would suggest that your job advert title should be ‘PR Coordinator’.
Advertise a different job title - You can always advertise your job advert with a different title to the one that will be within your organization. So, advertise the job as ‘PR Coordinator’ but stipulate in the advert that their real job title will be ‘Engagement and Outreach Communications Coordinator'.
Remove all keyword stuffing in job titles – This puts off candidates and makes your adverts harder to find in searches. Instead, ensure that these additional details are in your advert copy at the top.
0.5 Apprenticeship Skills Coordinator - Fire Services (Business Fire Safety) - Fixed term until 31 August
Apprenticeship Skills Coordinator - Fire Services
Remove all FEACJ (FE & College Jargon)
The FE sector can sometimes be a confusing industry to work in with all our jargon and acronyms, especially as these can vary from college to college. When writing out your advert, we would recommend that you try to remove any FE/College-specific jargon unless necessary and explain any acronyms that you use. This way, you are less likely to confuse any candidate that maybe isn’t aware of it or scare off potential candidates from outside the sector.